Monday 9 April 2012

social media's future

          Social media is such a big thing right now, and it’s rapidly increasing. Every day there are thousands of new people join the social media movement, such a new Facebook, Twitter, blogger users etc. The question that many might ask is “How do you think social media will change in the future?”

          Since social media is increasing, there will be a lot more improvements. They will keep on adding new and exciting thing to their programs to draw the attention of the users, thus making them want to come back for more of what these social medias have to offer them.

          Take Facebook for example, when it started it was plain and dull, but once they got a little bit bigger, they started adding new things to it such as games and apps to keep the users entertained, and to also draw in more attention. How it would really change in the future is that it will improve a lot, with new and interesting ideas yet to be created. It will improve on things that they probably can’t improve on right now.

          “What other trends would you add to the mix?” there are a lot of new trends that are being set out there that might not have caught the eyes of many, but only a few. A trend that is already started and picked up by a few television shows and websites is memes; they allow you to create your own personal memes that you can show off to your friends or the world. Personally I think if Facebook added a meme creator, they allow you to post on your walls and your friends I think it would be cool.

            “Are they any specific technologies that you think will gain popularity or emerge?”. There are a lot of new and cool inventions being made every day, some of these are not so great but some are very interesting, for example, Googles Project Glass, it has potential to make it, but there are a lot of flaws that come with this.

Sunday 18 March 2012

social change

According to Malcom Gladwell, a well-known author in the area of social media, social media are built around weak ties and real social change can never come from loose networks of people that do not know each other. Do you think that social media has the potential to bring about real social change.
The statement that Malcom Gladwell has said about social media being built around weak ties and real social change can never come from loose networks of people that do not know each other, I think is not all that agreeable with but I can mostly agree with what the author “Malcom Gladwell” is saying. There are a lot of new events, wars and interesting news that are happening around not he world everyday. For example, there was the “Kony 2012” video just a week ago, where everyone watched a 30 min short film about what’s supposedly happening in Uganga right now, which might be true or not, and instantly people believed this was true, and by clicking like/share and buying their “Kony 2012” products, that they will be making a difference. After a couple of hours there were a couple of events that were being posted on Facebook that were to help support the “invisible children” but these events never happened. I think social media can influence people to bring about real social change but not as greatly as the actual main media that we normally rely on like the news and such. With some social media website like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, it does have the potential because it reaches out to a lot more people, but if they do not know each other, then they might not want to involve them self in things that other people are doing, that others might look on as wrong. If you don’t know people that are having a party, would you just walk up into the party all by yourself? I don’t think I would do anything like that if I didn’t know anyone there.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

about last post

I was thinking of making a video instead, but i wasn't too sure about it. Should i have made a video instead of typing it out? :P

social media, the quality of news and information

With the amount of social media websites/ applications out there, everyday citizens are becoming authors, editors, and publishers of news and information. Does this mean that the quality of news and information have increased or decreased?

To me I believe this means the quality of news and information has increased because, the news we know and trust now isn’t always acurate, and it lacks a lot of information. The United Nations says there are 7 billion estimated people on this planet, so we can’t just depend on the information of one person, because they might leave out some information that they might not know about or want people to know about. They might not even tell the truth, and still people will believe them, but with the increase of social media users, means there will be an increase of knowledge of a certain topic.

If you want to know what is really happening on the other side of the world, normally you would go watch the news or read the papers, but if you want to know the truth about something, then you will have to get the information from someone that actually experienced the situation first hand, for example the typhoon that happened in japan and the severity of the situation. A social media user gives us their point of view on what’s really going on rather than what the news reports. They give us videos and pictures along with information of what’s actually happening and how it happened, and important facts that the news wouldn’t. This helps us to see and understand the situation better, instead of just hearing it.

Instead of there being just one, there are many users reporting about a topic so we know and can depend on the people that are witnessing it first hand or that are more knowledgeable on that certain topic. Most likely the person on the social media network that is reporting it, are telling the truth about the topic and with more individuals reporting it, then that means the viewers will be seeking less information on the topic because they are giving you tons and tons of information about it. So basically I’m saying that its great that social media came along, because with out it, the news and other people might not be giving us certain information that we, as a society, would want to know about, and also it has increase the quality of news and information today.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

social media

My perception of social media, well there is a lot I can say about it, but to sum it up, I think its one of the best things to hit the internet. Iv been on Facebook since it started, and since it has grown to the size it is today, it has help me and many other connect with families and friends that are too far away or that we might not have known we had. Other sites like twitter keep my self and many others up to date with all the news and other trends that are going on in the world that we might not know about, for example, BeyoncĂ© just had her baby, now I would of never known about it if it wasn’t for the twitter trends that were going around. I don’t think social media is a fad, because its growing even larger, more and more individuals are coming on to social media sites like Twitter, YouTube, and FaceBook to tell the world their stories or show us their side of living and the things that impact their lives. It shows a lot of us what’s really going on in the world and not what the media says is happening around the world. It’s taking us from being in a little bubble, and showing us that there is a lot more out there than what meets the eyes. Skype and Facebook helps me connect with family I have in Brazil, Guyana, Barbados, and Venezuela through video chat, so I can actually see them without being there. I personally think that Social media is one of the greatest things that has be introduces to our modern day society because without it I wouldn’t of met a lot of my family members and wouldn’t be able to connect with friends that have moved away to different countries for school.

im not the only one